Thursday, July 24, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Difference between Wife & Girlfriend
What are the differences between WIFE and GIRLFRIEND, Dad?
DAD replies:
My dear, Wife is a TV. Girl friend is a HandPhone.
At home watch TV. Go out, bring HandPhone.
No money, sell TV. Got money,change HandPhone.
Sometimes enjoy TV, but most of the time play with HandPhone.
TV is free for life. But HandPhone, if you don't pay, services will beTERMINATED!!!
But u should be careful with both,my son.
Posted by Freddy at 7/12/2008 04:02:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Humor
How Clever Are You?
See how many of these questions you can answer correctly.
1) What does a cow have four of that a woman have only two of?
2) What starts with a C and ends with a T, is hairy, oval, delicious and contains thin whitish liquid?
3) What goes in hard and pink then comes out soft and sticky?
4) What does a man do standing up, a woman does sitting down and a dog does on three legs?
5) You stick your poles inside me. You tie me down to get me up. I get wet before you do. What am I?
6) A finger goes in me. You fiddle with me when you're bored. The best man always has me first. What am I?
7) I come in many sizes. When I'm not well, I drip. When you blow me, you feel good. What am I?
8) I have a stiff shaft. My tip penetrates. I come with a quiver. What am I?
9) What word starts with a 'F' and ends in 'K' that means lot of heat and excitement?
10) What word starts with a 'F' and ends in 'K' & if you don't get it you have to use your hand?
11) What is it that all men have one of, it's longer on some men than on others, the pope does not use his, and a man gives it to his wife after they are married?
12) What part of the man has no bones but has muscles, lots of veins and loves pumping?
13) What is it that a Woman have it in front, a Cow have it behind and a Man don't have any?
1) Legs
2) Coconut
3) Bubblegum or Chewing Gum
4) Shake Hands
5) Tent
6) Wedding Ring
7) Nose
8) Arrow
9) Fire Truck
10) Fork
11) Surname
12) Heart
13) The alphabet 'W'
Posted by Freddy at 7/12/2008 03:33:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: IQ Test
Thursday, July 10, 2008
"Faith" - lessons from the amazing dog
Gosh! this is amazing...the perseverance of this dog and I believed above all is the the love and trust of the owner that had helped the dog to believe that HE CAN DO IT!
Indeed faith lesson for us to embrace!
This is called 'Faith'. His name is Faith!
This dog was born on Chris tmas Eve in the year 2002. He was born with 3 legs - 2 healthy hind legs and 1 abnormal front leg which need to be amputated. He of course could not walk when he was born. Even his mother did not want him.
His first owner also did not think that he can survive. Therefore, he was thinking of 'putting him to sleep'. By this time, his present owner Stringfellow met him and wanted to take care of him. She is determined to teach and train this dog to walk by himself. Therefore she named him 'Faith'.

In the beginning, she put Faith on a surfing board to let him feel the movements. Later she used peanut buuter on a spoon as a lure and reward for him to stand up and jump around. Even the other dog at home also helped to encourage him to walk. Amazingly, only after 6 months, like a miracle, Faith learned to balance on his 2 hind legs and jumped to move forward. After further training in the snow, he now can walk like a human being.

Faith loves to walk around now. No matter where he goes, he just attracts all the people around him. He is now becoming famous on the international scene. He has appeared on various newspapers and TV shows. There is even one book entitled 'With a little faith' being published about him. He was even considered to appear in one of Harry Potter movies.

His present owner Jude Stringfellew has given up her teaching post and plans to take him around the world to preach that even without a perfect body, one can have a perfect soul'.

In life there are always undesirable things. Perhaps one will feel better if one changes the point of view from another direction.
I hope this message will bring fresh new ways of thinking to everyone and that everyone can appreciate and be thankful for each beautiful day that follows.
Life is the continual demonstration of the Strength of Life!
God bless you and be strong in every challenges you faced..........
Posted by Freddy at 7/10/2008 04:16:00 PM 6 comments
Labels: Animal Wonders